Monday, December 28, 2009

2009 Music Wrap

Every year everyone in my family puts together a little playlist of 10-12 songs that were somehow meaningful over the past year. Someday it will be kind of fun to look back and see what kind of music we were listening to over the years. I like my list this year the best so far, I think. Here are my songs with links to the music.

Quick explanation: Collective Soul put out a new CD this summer and as usual it is awesome. Welcome All Again is the title track and it is packed with the energy that they have been missing for a few years. Comfortably Numb is my favorite Pink Floyd song, and I got into their music while living in California. Great tonal quality and the guitar outro at the end is immortal. Recently I started to really appreciate Fleetwood Mac. A lot of their songs have a melancholy tone and extremely rich lyrics that have resonated with me lately. I've got The Chain and Dreams on there. One Day Remains is a great song from the little-known band Alter Bridge. I love the energy and the optimistic message. I'm not much of a Live fan, but Ghost brings back a lot of memories of California, especially the fog and rainy winters. Let The Good Times Roll played on the radio about 4 separate times on our way back from a Moab biking trip this fall, and ever since I have loved the song. My sister gave me a Stone Temple Pilots cd for my birthday, and I really liked the hard core songs but the acoustic version of Plush really stuck with me. Heart to Heart has grown on me. It is such a simple but absolutely beautiful song, and it illustrates why Ed Roland is one of music's greatest and under-appreciated vocalists. Cedars of Lebanon is, in my opinion, the only great musical achievement by U2 on their new No Line on the Horizon album, which has been critically acclaimed as an unfortunate follow-up to their smash How to Dismantle and Atomic Bomb from 2007. I love U2, though, and this song has a very unique sound, although a bit melancholy as well.

I like it. I'd listen to it. I do listen to it :). Enjoy.


Miles Hillier said...

I like this cd set! Jolly Good Old Boy! I too have really enjoyed alot of the songs on your list this year. I would have to disagree with your U2 statement. Of all the songs I have heard of theirs, this cd is by far my favorite. I have also really enjoyed a group called Vast! I believe you have our Christmas CD in your computer. So you can keep that one as our CD to you. Enjoy!

Jason said...

Ryan my man, been a long time since I posted a comment, but I read it all the time since it comes up on my google reader.

I am gladdened to see that Floyd made it so high on your list. As a Floyd lover myself you just cannot go wrong with anything from The Wall. I would also recommend for your listening "On The Turning Away" since it is my favorite Floyd song and pretty meaningful in its own right.

Take care bro!