Saturday, July 11, 2009

Transformers are So Cool!

Haven't posted in a while. I haven't biked since Tahoe, and I'm DYING!!! We've had a lot of company coming and going, and life in general is kind of a mess for me and my family right now. There is so much going on right now I don't even want to get started talking about it because I'd be here all night. What keeps me going is my beautiful wife and perfect little baby. They keep things in perspective and help me focus on what is actually important in life. So what if we foreclose on our mortgage while Sienna is learning how to laugh at her mommy and daddy? Our mortgage is ok, in case you were wondering. Ask me again in a month or so.
Anyway, my two other escapes from reality are movies and biking. I haven't been riding much, but I have been doing a lot of research. I want to become a guru of mountain bikes. I told Tamara that a few days ago and she looked at me and said "Aren't you already?" I laughed. Sure, I know a whole lot more about biking than the average Joe, but there is so much about the technicalities of bikes that I don't know, like comparing frame designs, Avid Juicy brakes vs Hayes hydraulics, FSR assemblies vs other alternatives, double pivot suspension systems, Fox Float vs Triad, Talus, etc... SO many details I don't know. I've been doing a lot of research on this crap when I'm not busy studying GMAT stuff.
But TONIGHT, we went to a movie. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen!!! Another movie that got terrible reviews and I didn't expect too much from. I got more than I expected though! I had a thoroughly good time, gaping plot holes and all! I knew there would be huge plot holes, and there were. The first movie was definitely a lot more airtight. It made more sense and had better pacing. The biggest weakness of the first movie was a lack of focus on the
Transformers as the central characters of the story. The source material has back-stories for all of them! Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide, Megatron, Starscream, all of them had their own character development and back-story. The first movie completely ignored that and focused on the humans. The second one does a much better job focusing on the Transformers. It goes deeper into the reason behind the war they are fighting and the rivalry between Optimus Prime and Megatron. You see more interaction between them and get more involved with their characters. Another problem with the first movie was not enough fighting between the Transformers. I mean there is a pretty good amount, but Optimus takes down one Decepticon, Megatron takes down one Autobot, and the rest of the fighting is between humans and robots. The new one is all about the robots, and it was awesome! One scene where Optimus Prime is trying to protect Sam from 3 or 4 Decepticons in a forest was particularly fun to watch. It was just hard core Transformers action. The plot was not nearly as poor as I had been told. I mean, yeah it was pretty light, but it was intact and easy to follow. You don't need a deep plot to make an entertaining movie about Transforming robots beating the crap out of each other. Shia Lebouf was brilliant as always. I always like to watch him. I suppose you could say I have a man crush on him. I wish I could be in a movie about my favorite toys from my childhood with Megan Fox... But I digress. I liked it. It was flawed, but come on. Did you expect any better from Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg in a movie about toys? If you did, shame on you and you deserve not to like it. Neener neener.


Amberly said...

Ha ha, I think Beau and I must be the only people I know who really and truly hate Transformers. Maybe hate is a strong word... for Beau's feelings. I really do hate them. I spent the entire second half of the first Transformers movie telling myself, "It could be worse." And guess what! It got worse! Every time a Transformer spoke during the last 30 minutes, I was like, "Really? Someone got paid to write that?" And they just got worse until the very end when I was determined that I had just sat through the worst movie EVER MADE! And I think that's including the terrible classic, Trolls 2. So, shame on me, I guess. I take it far too personally when someone expects me to be entertained by a movie with a lame plot, terrible one-liners, and that's just barely held together by all the special effects millions and millions of dollars can buy.

Ryan the Man said...

Suit yourself. A lot of people didn't like it, and I can see why. I can't say it insulted my intelligence because it didn't take itself seriously in the first place. It was a movie about robots and hard core robot fighting. They add just enough to make you root for the good guys and then pour millions and millions of dollars into the sweetest special effects I have ever seen. All that put together makes for a great summer action movie that involves a total of zero thinking to keep up with. Don't get me wrong, I love films like the Bourne movies that keep your mind running to keep up with them, but sometimes I need to watch a good, entertaining "dumb" movie, and Tranformers and the sequel both hit that spot. I love the directing during the action scenes because they really bring it to life. Some of the one-liners are difficult to handle, but some of them are too cool! You know, I think really the only people who would really appreciate either of these movies are people who know the back story a little bit and actually know about the characters already, because the movie definitely doesn't do a very good job developing and connecting the audience to the robots. I love Optimus Prime and Bumblebee because they were two of my favorites from the few times I was able to see the cartoon and play with the toys (usually at friends' house). I also did some reading up recently, so it was really fun to see these movies. Sad that they couldn't get a decent script, but the action is what I went for and it was right on.