Saturday, July 18, 2009

Biking at Point Reyes and Harry Potter

A one-time change in my work schedule gave me Thursday off work, so I decided to hit up Point Reyes for some mountain biking. If you don't already know, Point Reyes is a huge shoulder of land sticking out into the Pacific Ocean about an hour away from where I live. Since it sticks out past the San Andreas fault, the geology changes like crazy from the Redwood-friendly stuff on the side I live on. Point Reyes is hilly grassland with long, deep inlets of water from the ocean called Esteros. They are like miniature fjords in Norway. The only difference is the cliffs are a lot smaller and the water doesn't come inland as far, but it is still extremely pretty. The bridge in the picture crosses one of those esteros at a narrow point. My ride was about five miles each way and was mostly up-and-down, but not strenuous. It ended at this amazing point between two esteros atop a cliff called Drake's Point. I think it overlooks the beach that Sir Francis Drake stopped on to make ship repairs a few hundred years ago. The beach is on a spit that sticks out several miles into the ocean, very impressive. The lagoon inside the beach is apparently teeming with life during certain times of the year, particularly stingrays! That would be neat to see.
The sun was shining on the way it, but a few minutes after I started back a thick fog rolled in. When I got back to the bridge in the first picture, the estero was steaming.
It was a really fun, pretty ride. I'd do it again in a heartbeat!
On to Harry Potter!
We went and saw the Half Blood Prince last night, and for the first time I was fully satisfied with a Harry Potter movie. The acting was better than all of the previous movies and the story was a lot more complete. The script was good. My impression of all the Harry Potter movies before was that they were scripted by a bunch of guys sitting around a table thinking "how do we condense this book into two hours?". Half Blood Prince actually seems like they were thinking "how do we make this a good movie", and they did it! I mean, its no Oscar winner, but you can tell a lot of thought and effort went into making it, while not much thought or effort seemed to go into the previous ones. The book was my favorite in the series, so I had high hopes for the movie. It was the most dramatic and intense of all the books to me, but it also had its lighter moments and those were translated well into the movie. The comedy was a little stiff at times, but several highlights, like when Harry drinks the lucky potion and Ron accidentally eats Harry's cookies laced with a love potion are absolutely hilarious. Jim Broadbent, the actor who plays Horace Slughorn, does a particularly good job playing his role. He seemed to make every scene he was in better. I loved his quirky eyebrows. Its too bad he wasn't in more of the Harry Potter movies, but we can look forward to him being in the last two movies (Deathly Hallows will be split into two movies). Finally, of course, was the ending. If you have read the book you know how crucial the ending is. I listened to it on my iPod while commuting and the last few chapters had me so glued I couldn't move! I was late for work that day because I couldn't stop listening. No disappointment in the translation to screen! I laughed and I cried. And it set up great for the final story. I hope they make it good. I was far from satisfied with the final book. I thought J.K. Rowling got lazy and screwed a few crucial things up, but I won't get into that now. If I get a bunch of people asking me why I didn't like the last book very much in my comments box I will maybe answer in another post. Otherwise we can talk about it sometime if you care. Great movie though!


Amberly said...

Ooooh! Finally a movie we can agree on! There were a few things they changed that I don't think they needed to and they could have fleshed a few things out a little better (like the extent of his attachment to the potions book), but overall, that movie got two thumbs up! Beau thinks it's by far the most successful of the Harry Potter movies.

Miles said...

I have to disagree! Beth and I saw it tonight and were both disappointed in it. I think Beth was far more disappointed in it then I was. Too much talking, too many cut scenes and far to much high school love stories and not enough actions and/or story telling. But hey that is my thought on it. Beth is upset concerning other issues but I will let you open that Pandoras box.

Ryan the Man said...

What?? Well that's ok if you didn't like it, but all the little teenage romance drama crap, cheesy as it might have been, was straight from the book. And I thought it was well done in the movie. I thought that there was plenty of action -- in fact, they added a few extra action scenes to the movie that weren't even in the book. They touched on all the points they needed to, though some were less developed like Amberly pointed out. The potions textbook was a lot more crucial to the book than it was to the movie. That's too bad Bethanie didn't like it. I thought she would.

Chelsea said...

Yay! You guys liked it! I just saw it last night, so now I can comment. :) I liked it a lot. I agree with Beth only in the sense that the end didn't really resolve itself with the Death Eaters. Otherwise I think what they added was great, and what they left out was great. As a director, you HAVE to leave stuff out! If you want to know what else happens, read the book! (That's what I'm having Kris do... not that he didn't enjoy the movie). Some of my favorite parts were also when harry drinks the potion (I don't think I've EVER enjoyed that kid's acting so much!), and when Ron ate Harry's candies. Thoroughly enjoyed that movie!

David said...

Ugh, I still haven't seen the movie! It's hard to find time to go do anything these days... It will be interesting to see what my take is on it. So they are splitting the last book into two movies? I always like that. I hate when they have to leave good stuff out!