Saturday, May 2, 2009


Tamara and I went and saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine a little while ago.  I was a little bit worried about it, because the reviews over at rottentomatoes were less than glowing at just 37%, and I usually agree with the general consensus, although not always.  This was one of those exceptions.  I just do not understand the bad reviews of Wolverine's bada#$ back-story, because this movie was definitely the sickest thing I have seen since Dark Knight came out.  I'd say this was not quite as good as the first two X-Men movies, but sooooo much better than the crap that was X-Men 3.  If the critics were comparing this movie to those movies, then maybe that is why they gave it a bad rating because it wasn't quite as good, but holy cow it was fun to watch!  The plot and storyline were pretty familiar, no surprises, and it was very enjoyable.  When you watch it, you have to keep in mind that the first series of X-Men movies was made without this movie even being considered, so there are a few bad connections between Origins and the first X-Men movie.  Its not exactly seamless, and I am ok with that.  The fighting scenes between Wolverine and Sabretooth are incredible.  They are violent, gut-wrenching, and feral like Wolverine is supposed to be. Hugh Jackman has just mastered the character, the same way Heath Ledger mastered the Joker, I would say.  Deadpool and Gambit are awesome, well acted and portrayed in the movie.  I can't wait for their spin-off movies (both screenplays are being written right now), because they aren't in the movie nearly enough to make me happy.  You only see Gambit throw a deck of cards once (and of course, they blow Wolverine straight through a brick wall). Liev Schreiber, who I recognized but don't know from what, was freaking perfect for Sabretooth.  He's got this smooth voice that matches this vicious look that he gets on his face, and I got tingles every time he'd laugh.  The scene you have seen in the previews where Wolverine takes down a helicopter is obviously a bit extreme, but it is hard-core fun!  Do me a favor, don't listen to those reviews.  Go see Wolverine, it is awesome.  I give it a B+, marked down from an A for 2 reasons: 1) They didn't use Gambit and Deadpool enough, and 2) they got some unknown actor to play Gambit when they could have had the guy who plays Sawyer on Lost!  How perfect would he have been??? Not that they guy that they got is bad, he does fine, I just couldn't get over the fact that they were in talks with the guy who plays Sawyer and didn't sign him!


Tam said...

I doubt that you really care, but you probably recognize Liev Schreiber from Ransom--he was one of the kidnappers. He's also in 'Defiance' with Daniel Craig and I know you've seen previews of that.

Bethanie said...


Jenna said...

The guy who plays Gambit is Taylor Kitsch, and while I have not seen the movie, I will say that anything that has Taylor Kitsch in it is worth seeing. Period. That kid is hot beyond belief.

Jitters said...

In retrospect, I would have been better off saving the money i spent on Wolverine Origins for Star Trek this weekend