Saturday, April 25, 2009

A New Day

This is now a happy blog. My days of political rants are over. They will be limited now to little complaints now and then, but no more talking about the silly little people who pretend to run the country. If anyone so much as mentions the name of anyone who works in so-called "government" on my blog from now on I will ban you forever. Just kidding, but it better be important! Not that I won't be paying attention to it anymore and forming my opinions, but I prefer not to make my opinions public. Its a really sucky world out there and getting suckier. Popular public opinion on certain topics run purely contrary to some of my views and beliefs. This is just a little blog among billions of websites, and I don't even know how to change how it looks, let alone generate enough public interest to get into trouble. I'm not afraid of getting sucked into the public spotlight, because its just not going to happen. I just don't want people who may or may not know me to judge me because of the opinions I hold. If you want my take on public issues, ask me. I'm just not going to advertise them anymore on my pathetic little website. If someone will just get to it and buy me a helmet camera, and get me some editing software, I'll turn this into a HARD CORE BIKING BLOG!!! I've wanted to do something like that for a long time actually. I've been on tons of trails in Utah, Nevada, and now California and I want to share them with the WORLD!!! So check back regularly so I can tell you about my latest adventure on two wheels! Its going to be an awesome summer -- I've already got Lake Tahoe, Moab, Downieville, and Yosemite on the calendar, so stick around.


Joel Jenkins said...

So you're back? You're leaving the family blog? Yay! Welcome back. How much is a helmet cam?

Sadly, since I stopped barfing my opinion on politics my blog has gotten kinda silent. I need to get better at reporting on MY life, not the pathetic life of mortal leaders whose power fades in time. Whose ultimate legacy will be a mark and scorn upon the history of the world. We should focus on the stuff that lasts, and I'm glad we both have that in common.

Doug said...

Ryan ... thank you.
I will sleep better tonight.

Still, you could be a little more upbeat ... life is what YOU make of it.

Nathan and Natalie said...

Does your bike have a baby seat?

Anonymous said...

Get a road bike. You won't have to drive anywhere to ride. You just kit up and hit the road. Lycra is fun

Ryan the Man said...

Hey anonymous, whoever you are, thanks for the suggestion but I actually don't need to drive anywhere to ride because trails start at the end of the street I live on (see previous post from November). I'm willing to drive too in order to get off the road -- I don't like to share with cars. Nothing against road bikers, I just like trails better.

Helmet cams cost anywhere from around $100 to $1000. I'm looking at ones that cost under $200 for starters. The reviews on those kinds all say "decent picture but sound quality is terrible", that sort of thing, but if I had editing software I would just cover the sound with some hard core rock n roll anyway.

Natalie and Nate, my baby is not coming biking with me until she is older :) Trust me, as soon as her legs are long and strong enough to pedal, she will have a bike.

David said...

Honestly Ryan... I'll miss your rants! But I totally agree that it's not worth wasting time on. It's best to just get to work on making the change you would like to see rather than complaining about the change that others are making.

Something that I would love to hear more about is the books you're reading and things you're learning. I think that would be interesting. How are things coming with the total money makeover for example?

Em said...

obama, obama, obama, obama, nancy pelosi, obama.

How do you ban people from your blog anyway?