Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Pixar Does It Again!!! How Do They Do It?

A couple of nights ago, Tamara and I took Sienna to her first movie! She did pretty good, and only made a couple of grunting noises during the silent scenes that are supposed to make you cry... I always hated people like myself for bringing their babies to the movies.
Anyway, we went Up in 3D! That was the first time we had ever been to a 3D movie. It actually didn't do anything for me, personally. I don't think I enjoyed the movie any more in 3D than I would have on a regular screen, and the regular screen was $2.50 less per ticket too. I had a hard time with the glasses at first. They gave me a headache. But I got used to them after a while. It was neat, but didn't really improve the movie experience.
The movie itself was typical Pixar brilliance. They've got a lot of movies out there now: Toy Story, Toy Story 2, A Bug's Life, Monster's Inc., Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, Ratatouille, Wall-E, and I'm sure I'm missing one or two... After seeing the previews for Up, and after not liking Wall-E that much, I wasn't planning on seeing it in the theaters. I just wasn't that interested. Then people started talking. Have you seen Up? Its so good! Best since Incredibles! Better than Monsters Inc. (my two favorites)! So I decided to surprise Tamara with tickets. We weren't disappointed! I think it was the funniest Pixar movie yet, and actually very touching all the way through. Maybe its just because I'm a brand new daddy, but I even got a little choked up at a couple of parts. Its not "cute" like Finding Nemo or Ratatouille, they actually make it a really good story with real-life comparisons. That can't be an easy thing to do in a movie about an old guy who ties thousands of helium balloons to his house in order to float it to South America! We loved it though. When it comes out on DVD we will buy it so that our babies can watch it. Great movie, best of the year so far. Go see it. On a regular screen. Skip the 3D, it ain't that cool.

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I sure liked it. Cute movie. Definitely a winner!